Thursday, February 16, 2017

Death To Ashes

 Death to Ashes     Blake Dinino P5 2-7-17

       Dallan pulled up to a diner early in the morning, wondering where he was? He was near the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. Dallan was 6’2 and weighed 200 pounds of lean muscle with scars on his arms and chest. He got the scars as a teen . He was 29 years old he had a body that most guys would kill for. I guess chasing after people across the world kept him in shape
       Dallan never had anyone close to him, he had no living family not anymore at least. Dallan was an only child  he had no living relatives left at least that he new of. He popped out of his thoughts he realized he had been sitting in his truck for hour outside of the diner thinking of what happened oh so long ago. He didn't even remember parking his truck his beautiful black and white 67’ Chevy that was in pristine condition that he helped his dad build from the ground up. It had all black rims. It had a 383 stroker in it that you could hear a mile away Dallan got out the truck . He went inside and sat in a booth in the corner. Dallan checks his watch it's 5:58 AM he taps his foot impatiently waiting for the waitress to come take his order whens she is done with the table next to him she comes over and asks ‘’What would you like sir ‘’? His reply is ‘’Some pancake’s with some bacon and your phone book if you have one.  
     Dallan ate his meal and flipped through the phonebook he finally found what he was was looking for ,he put a folded and ripped up 20 on the table. He walked out to his truck started it and slammed it in reverse and peeled out of the diner gunning it down the road roaring all the way.  He pulled up to a bar called ‘’The Draft” he walks in the bar and asks the bartender ‘’scotch on the rocks’’ he pays him and says ‘’i want some info’’ bar keep says ‘’ what do you need ?’’ I need to know certain info on a person who is accustomed to areas around here a man ‘’Robert Simon’’ he said while sipping his drink. The barkeep  said ‘’never heard of’ve em. He slipped him a 20$ the barkeep said oh him he lives back on South Rampart Road about 2 and a half blocks back. Dallas walks out to his truck and cranks the truck over he surprisingly calm as he went the speed limit and drove back over to the man's house. As he got there he parked across the street he walked up to the man's door knocking on the glass partition. A young girl about 9 years old answered the door she stared at the stranger not knowing what to say, Dallan said can I speak to your dad please ? The girl shouted ‘’Dad someone here to see you…… The man walked to the door his smiling dropping quickly “you've changed a lot in the last 15 years changed your hair lost your hair “Dallan said the man pushed Dallan out the door he told his daughter to go watch tv. Simon said what do you want ? why are you here i thought you were dead. I made you think that  because you were meant to think I was dead. But something came up “The leader” came out of hiding i need some help i just need some old contacts, By the way you really should change bars every once in awhile I just went to the first bar in the phone book that I saw and bribed the barkeep.All i need is the info Simon then i'll be on my way. Ok i will go grab the info right now.Simon  went inside and grabbed the info and came back out a couple of minutes later with the papers they said goodby and Simon said “hope to see you soon” both of them knowing he could die trying to stop “The Leader”.
He pulled up to a motel and paid for his room and called the people of his past. He remembered being a kid when his parents “passed” he just knew something was off. He searched for year before he could find anything that could lead him on all he had with him was his hot revenge and the truck from his dad as a kid.He flashed back to now and heard the voice on the line saying hello sir hello ? Oh sorry I need 20 mercenaries  sent to The “Leader House”.
The next day he went to his house the next day and behind him was the mercenaries all out in gear with ak-47’s the men all attacked the house they surrounded the house in a semi-circle the men grabbed a Rocket Launcher and shot it and blew the house up it was all over finally.......................................Dalllan could finally move on.